7:00 PM19:00

*Sold Out* Scott Woods Band Old Time Country Christmas


Evening Performance – Friday, December 22, 2023 – 7 pm – St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 375 St. George St. W., Fergus ON

Proceeds from this Scott Woods Band presentation of “Old Time Country Christmas” support Hearts for Haiti.

Tickets are $45 each (tax included), and may be purchased using a credit card by calling the Scott Woods Band Office (toll free) at 1-855-726-8896.  Alternatively, you can click on the link below to buy tickets online.

Purchase Tickets Online

Please note – Tickets bought through the Scott Woods Band Office or directly online, will be held for you at the door on the night of the show, starting approximately one hour prior to showtime. You will simply identify yourself, and we will give you your tickets then.

Locally, tickets will be available (after Oct. 15) CASH ONLY at the St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Office  (375 St. George St. W).

Doors will open approximately one hour prior to showtime.  Seating is first come, first served.  

For general inquiries, call Scott’s office toll free 1-855-726-8896. 

Join Scott Woods and his talented band for this uplifting 2-hour live family-friendly show, featuring lots of your favourite Christmas carols, fun fiddle tunes, as well as Traditional Country and Gospel songs. Scott will keep you entertained with his keen wit, his prowess on the fiddle, and of course his trick fiddling. Enjoy impressive guitar solos by ‘The Telecaster Master’ Steve Piticco, and smooth vocals and yodelling by Naomi Bristow, ‘Canada’s Yodelin’ Cowgirl. 18-year old Leo Stock, also known as ‘Spaghetti Legs” will demonstrate sensational step dancing, and Scott’s sister Kendra Woods Norris adds sweet harmonies, and levity to every show.

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11:00 AM11:00

Culture Days - Church Tour

Sat., Oct. 7 - 11:00am - 3:00pm

Tours of St. Andrew’s Church: A Culture Days Event
Free of Charge.

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church has stood at the top of the hill in Fergus since 1862. Tour the building, learn about its history and the ways the building has evolved over the years. Learn also about some of the people who attended St. Andrew’s over the years.

The tours will be about 20 minutes long and will occur between 11 am and 3 pm.

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7:00 PM19:00

Culture Days - Rogersons and Quilleys in Concert

Fri, Sep 29, 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Two for One: Rogersons and Quilleys: A Culture Days Event
Free of Charge.
This is a two for one concert with the local bands the Rogersons and the Quilleys.

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is hosting the two local bands in concert.

The Rogersons are a five-piece family band. Performing familiar tunes from yesteryear and today

The Quilleys are a teenaged band, performing in a Celtic folk style.

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7:00 PM19:00

Culture Days - An Evening of Celtic Music and Song

Fri, Sep 22, 7:00pm - 9:00pm

An Evening of Celtic Music and Song: A Culture Days Event
Pay what you can.
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is hosting the Celtic Trio – “Scantily Plaid”. The concert highlights the Scottish/Gaelic roots of the congregation which dates back to 1834.
Scantily Plaid is a Canadian Celtic rockin' folk group with harp, bagpipes big and small, guitar, harmonica, boots and drum. For more information visit

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4:30 PM16:30

Messy Church

(A Family-based, Child-friendly experience) at St. Andrew’s Church
325 St. George St. W., Fergus
Tues., Sept. 19
All families are welcome.

Messy Church is a family-based program, for families with school-aged children – it includes activities (crafts), a child-friendly worship experience and supper. The actual program begins at 4:30 pm with activities, and then the worship experience, supper is served at 6 pm. The doors will open at 3:45 for those who wish to come earlier.

Parents/guardians attend the program with their children, to be together for the program.

The program is free of charge.
The program happens once a month, the first one taking place on Tues., Sept. 19.

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Pickleball Lessons
7:30 PM19:30

Pickleball Lessons

Have you heard about pickleball? It is a fun paddle sport that’s easy to play and can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skills. Come out and discover what it’s all about! Already know how to play (even just a little bit)? Don’t know how to play? That’s ok, we’ll teach you! Just bring yourself and indoor shoes

August 24th, 7:30 PM, no cost

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Pickleball Games
7:30 PM19:30

Pickleball Games

Have you heard about pickleball? It is a fun paddle sport that’s easy to play and can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skills. Come out and discover what it’s all about! Just bring yourself and indoor shoes!

August 10th, 7:30 PM, no cost

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Pickleball Lessons
7:30 PM19:30

Pickleball Lessons

Have you heard about pickleball? It is a fun paddle sport that’s easy to play and can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skills. Come out and discover what it’s all about! Already know how to play (even just a little bit)? Don’t know how to play? That’s ok, we’ll teach you! Just bring yourself and indoor shoes!

July 27th, 7:30PM, no cost

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9:15 AM09:15

Congregational Retreat

St. Andrew’s Church, Fergus Congregational Retreat
Saturday, Nov. 26, 2022 at 9:15 AM

Join us for a day away from Fergus.
A day to get ready for Advent. A day to reconnect or make new friends from St. Andrew's.

Preparing our hearts for Advent through worship, round-table conversation, reading Bible
passages, sharing a meal together and more.
Doors open at 9:15 AM. Enjoy a coffee & muffin!
Program 10:00 AM until 3:00 PM.
Catered lunch will be served.

Cost (includes food) : $10 per person or $30 for a family.
Location: Orton Community Association on John St., Orton. The building is the former St. John's
Church, Orton.

Registration available by:
contacting the church office 519-843-3565 or or in person.

Please indicate if you need a ride from St Andrew's to Orton Or
If you are able to offer a ride from St Andrew's to Orton
We look forward to seeing you on November 26!

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