The Parable of the Pearl

Matthew 13:45,46

45 ‘Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; 46 on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.

This parable feels like yesterday’s, the parallels are evident: an item of great value is found, the finder is willing to sell everything they have to acquire the beyond-price item. But as I have been thinking about the two stories there seems to be one difference. In the parable of the treasure, the finder appears to more or less stumble across the treasure. The treasure is discovered unexpectedly – at least it feels that way to me. In today’s parable the merchant is a collector of fine pearls. They are searching for pearls. They have a collection, and they want to add to it. Upon finding this one pearl of great price, they are willing to sell everything, including all the other pearls in the collection to acquire this one pearl.

Two things stand out. The search for pearls, which is a metaphor for a search for meaning in life, for purpose, for truth. In that search the searcher (merchant) has found things that are valuable, that provide meaning and purpose. But upon finding this one pearl all the other pearls, all the other meanings, purposes, truths become secondary to this pearl, to this meaning, purpose, truth.

The kingdom of heaven, living into the Jesus’ way, that is beyond price. It gives a meaning and purpose to life that outshines all other meanings and purposes. It is not that other meanings and purposes are wrong or without value, rather it is that those meanings and purposes are not as valuable, not as fulfilling, not as life-giving as is the kingdom of heaven. The pearl of the kingdom of heaven is so life-giving, so fulfilling that it is worth more than any other pursuit, purpose, or meaning in our lives.

In a world where people are searching for meaning and purpose, we have a story to tell, a meaning to point, a purpose that we can invite others to find and follow. For we have found the pearl that is worth everything, surely we would want to share this valuable pearl with others.


God of purpose and meaning, in you we find the meaning and purpose we seek in our lives. In you we find the pearl of great price, the pearl of your kingdom. May we live into this purpose, finding that our searching ends in you and your Son Jesus Christ. In whose name we pray. Amen.

Peter Bush