The Parable of the Hidden Treasure

Matthew 13:44

44 ‘The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

In a short parable like this, it is easy to try to make every detail mean something, and then miss the overall surprise/point.

The part in this parable that causes debate is that the person who found the treasure, hides it again so that they can purchase the field for themselves and thereby acquire the treasure. It looks selfish. Are we not to share with others? But I think that the hiding of the treasure again is simply a plot item, ensuring that the buyer knows the treasure will still be there when they come back after having bought the field after selling everything they have.

The selling of everything they have to gather the money to buy the field, to get the treasure, that is the shocking part of the story. Selling everything, giving up everything we have, to get the treasure. That seems too much, surely nothing is worth that much. But Jesus in telling this parable indicates that there are things, the kingdom of heaven, for example, that are worth everything.

One year in VBS we did this parable, and I asked the children if there was anything they would give up everything they had to get. A child in grade 1, whose older sister had juvenile diabetes, put up her hand. I asked what she would give up everything for, she replied, “A cure for diabetes.” She was willing to give up everything she had if her sister could be well. She reminded me that there are things in this life that people would give up everything for. Frequently those things are not for themselves but for someone else, people are willing to sacrifice for a friend, a loved one, even a neighbour. 

What would you willing to give up everything for?


O Lord, your Son Jesus Christ gave up everything he had to come to live among us. He gave up his life out of his care and love for human beings. May we have the courage to follow your example, of giving ourselves away in the service of others in your name. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.   

Peter Bush