Jesus’ Prediction #3

Matt 17:22-23

22 As they were gathering in Galilee, Jesus said to them, ‘The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into human hands, 23 and they will kill him, and on the third day he will be raised.’ And they were greatly distressed.

Galilee was the northern area of the Israel of Jesus’ day. It was Jesus’ base of operations, on the edge, as far away as possible from the power of Herod and the elite in Jerusalem. But even in that place of relative safety Jesus warned his disciples that he was going to be betrayed, killed, and on the third day be raised to life again. Jesus wanted to make sure that his followers understand that a showdown was coming, and that he would be killed, he did not want them to be surprised when it happened.

When we read this passage and similar ones, we are left with at least two questions:

1.     Jesus said many times that he was going to be killed – but the disciples are still shocked when it happened. Were they not listening? I think they heard and understood what Jesus was saying – but they did not want it to be true, so they were deep in denial, resisting what Jesus had to say. Which is a very human response to such terrible news that the one they were following and believed in was going to be killed.

2.     Jesus always included in his declarations of his coming death the statement that he would be raised to life (the last couple of days in these devotions we have seen examples of that). The disciples heard about the death, but never seem to clue in to the promise that Jesus would be raised to life. Again, very human, very natural – but is a reminder to us to listen for the whole story, the whole message God is giving. To pay attention and not be overwhelmed just by one part of message God speaks to us. The story of Jesus is death and resurrection – cross and empty tomb – both/and. Either one by itself is not the whole story and leaves an incomplete message.  


O Lord, we so often hear only part of what you want to say to us – our hearing is limited, and we miss the full message you wish to communicate. Slow us down to hear your whole message, so that we might not be distracted by only part of what you wish us to know, believe, and live by. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Peter Bush