Blessed are the self-forgetful
Matthew 5:1-3
New Revised Standard:
5 When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain; and after he sat down, his disciples came to him. 2 Then he began to speak, and taught them, saying:
3 ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
The Message
5 1-2 When Jesus saw his ministry drawing huge crowds, he climbed a hillside. Those who were apprenticed to him, the committed, climbed with him. Arriving at a quiet place, he sat down and taught his climbing companions. This is what he said:
3 “You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.
Eugene Peterson in The Message translation frames the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) as being spoken to those who were apprenticed to Jesus – the committed. In other words, what Jesus has to say in these verses are the handbook for living the Jesus way. Since the sermon series on Sundays is walking through much of the Sermon on the Mount, the devotional material will only look at the Beatitudes (Matt. 5:1-12) and the salt and light text (Matt. 5:13-16).
Blessed are the poor in spirit – those who know there is nothing in them that can make it through this life. Blessed are those who are not self-assured – blessed are those who are not full of self-esteem –blessed are those who are not full of self. This is the opposite of what the culture says, Jesus challenges the call to put ourselves first, he challenges the invitation to think of ourselves and our needs as the priorities that drive our lives. Jesus invites us to say “no” to self and “yes” to the kingdom of heaven. To say “no” to our plans and schemes, to our assumptions and ambitions, and say “yes” to what God is doing in the world. To not ask God to join us in what we are doing, but rather to set aside what we are doing to join God in what God is doing. Living that way is the way, Jesus says, is the way into the kingdom of heaven.
How do we begin to live this way? Two simple ideas: Choosing to use the word “I” less often, to talk about ourselves less. Second, learning to live flexible lives which allow the Holy Spirit to remake our plans, our intentions. Living lives open to the nudges of the Holy Spirit, even when the nudges send us onto unexpected pathways.
O Lord, teach us to forget about ourselves. Teach us the simple beauty of thinking less about ourselves, and more about the kingdom of heaven. In Jesus’ name. Amen.