O Lord, help us get back up when we fall into sin
Jeremiah 8:4-12
4 You shall say to them, Thus says the Lord:
When people fall, do they not get up again?
If they go astray, do they not turn back?
5 Why then has this people turned away in perpetual backsliding?
They have held fast to deceit, they have refused to return.
6 I have given heed and listened, but they do not speak honestly;
no one repents of wickedness, saying, ‘What have I done!’
All of them turn to their own course, like a horse plunging headlong into battle.
7 Even the stork in the heavens knows its times;
and the turtle-dove, swallow, and crane observe the time of their coming;
but my people do not know the ordinance of the Lord.
8 How can you say, ‘We are wise, and the law of the Lord is with us’,
when, in fact, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie?
9 The wise shall be put to shame, they shall be dismayed and taken;
since they have rejected the word of the Lord, what wisdom is in them?
10 Therefore I will give…their fields to conquerors,
because from the least to the greatest everyone is greedy for unjust gain;
from prophet to priest everyone deals falsely.
11 They have treated the wound of my people carelessly,
saying, ‘Peace, peace’, when there is no peace.
12 They acted shamefully, they committed abomination;
yet they were not at all ashamed, they did not know how to blush.
Therefore they shall fall among those who fall;
at the time when I punish them, they shall be overthrown,
says the Lord.
The opening section of the passage returns to Israel’s not recognizing their wrongdoing (vs. 5, 6) – “holding fast to deceit, refusing to listen, do not speak honestly, no one repents”.
Then the second half of the passage begins to unpack wrong they have done. The scribes (vs. 8) who were the people who copied legal documents and took minutes of meetings have twisted the facts and the documents they were copying. The wise (vs. 9) in their pride have believed their own wisdom over the word of God. Everyone is “greedy for unjust gain” (vs. 10). Those who held positions of trust have dealt falsely (vs. 10). And the whole nation has overlooked the “wound” – think bullying, rejection, ridicule, ostracization – that people have experienced. The leaders have covered up the wound saying everything is okay – when there was still hurt. This quick jump to say “everything is good” when there is still pain, is “careless” – that is, it is lacking care.
This passage is bookended by references to “people falling” (vs. 4 and 12). In vs. 4, the image is of people falling into sin – into wrongdoing; and God asks “don’t people try to turn around, try to make a new start.” To which the answer implied in vs. 5-7 is, “no, the people of Judah have no interest in living lives that follow God.” Then in vs. 12 the falling is a falling into judgement. Having made no effort to live a renewed life, having made not effort to follow God’s plan, the people of Judah will be judged.
Falling into sin is not the problem. The problem comes when we fall into sin and then when confronted with our wrongdoing, do not heed the instruction of God, choosing instead to keep on following our “own course” (vs. 6). Remaining in sin is what leads to the falling into judgement.
Lord God, when we do wrong, call us to account, confront us with our sin. Shape us so that we listen to your instruction and turn from our wrongdoing. Send the Holy Spirit to convict us, and to strengthen us for following you. Show us how to get back up, and journey with you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.