A Prayer for the world, Aug. 15, 2023
(This is not a definitive list – it is my list today that breaks my heart and leaves me in tears.)
O Lord, we are world in pain.
The fires in Maui – God of all comfort, be with those who lost loved ones, be their comfort. Hold those who do not know what happened to their loved ones in your arms of love as they await news. Walk in compassion with those who lost homes, businesses, memories.
The political violence in Ecuador – God of hope, be with the families of the political candidates who have been assassinated, be their comfort. Bring stability to a nation in fear, and give wisdom to the leaders who must make difficult decisions.
The impact of the coup in Niger – God of power, bring a peaceful and just solution to the crisis in Niger. That violence would not grow, but that wrong would also not be allowed to stand. Give humility to all sides, that they would walk in the way you would have them go.
The war in Ukraine – How long, O Lord, how long will we need to keep praying. When we you end this war? O Lord, end this war. So that peace could come, so food could get from Ukraine to the hungry of the world, so that refugees could return home.
The landslides in India and Myanmar – God of compassion, be with the families who have lost loved ones in the landslides, with those who have lost homes and communities and livelihood. Hold them in your arms of love as they mourn.
The civil war in Sudan – God of justice, break the armies that fight each other in Sudan. Bring them to their knees so that in humility they might serve the good of the people, especially the children of the nation. Bring justice for the children.
The fires in Northwest Territories – God of wind and rain, send rain to stop the fires, but send no wind, no lightning. Give hope to those who have been displaced, and open the hearts of Canadians to care. Give courage and strength to firefighters who face great danger.
The pain of friends and family – Be with those who we know who carry the pain of heartache, of battling disease, of uncertainty about the future, of depression. Carry them in your arms of love.
O Lord, we put the world into your hands, for we do not know how to solve its deepest needs.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.