Do the hard thing: Follow Jesus

Matthew 7: 13, 14

13 ‘Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. 14 For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it.

Jesus does not want any confusion, following him, taking the path that leads to life with Jesus is not easy. Yes, it is a worthwhile life; yes, it is a fulfilling life; yes, it is an abundant life, living following Jesus, being with Jesus. But none of that is to say that having made the choice to follow Jesus means that life will be easy. In fact, Jesus states here that the road is hard and narrow, and often lonely for “few find it.”  

Hard means that there are challenging sections on the road, it is hard work to deep moving forward, the other path looks easier and less demanding. Narrow makes us think of narrow mountain paths, where there are risks along with way and it requires attention to make sure you are walking where the path is safe. This is not a road for those who are distracted or who do not pay close attention to where their feet are stepping.

Walking a hard, narrow way, requires being attentive to the way being walked, being attentive to when short steps are needed and when longer ones are needed, being attentive the kind of footing one has on the different surfaces being walked on. This attentiveness speaks to the ways of following Jesus – keeping our eyes fixed on him – being attentive to what he is doing, to what he is inviting us to do, being attentive to those places where his call in our lives is unexpected or even dis-locating. Jesus lived his life in ways that surprised the people around him, we are called to be attentive to Jesus, so that we can follow him when he surprises with the way he leads. Walking the narrow way that leads to life is to walk being attentive to Jesus.      


Lord God, choosing to follow your son Jesus Christ is choosing to do the hard thing. Give us the courage to do the hard thing, and choose the hard, narrow path that leads to life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.   

Peter Bush