A Prayer the day before the day known as Black Friday
God of mercy, have mercy on your world and on human beings.
In our desire for bargains and good deals, we have bought more than we needed and acquired more than we could widely use. We confess our greed, teach us the joy of enough.
In our shopping and buying we have at times treated others – sales people, cashiers, other customers – with disrespect, failing to be merciful. We confess our self-centeredness, teach us the wonder of patience.
In our gathering of things, filling our carts and arms, we have not given thought to the creation of which we are to be stewards. We confess that we have harmed the creation, teach us to be wise and care-filled stewards of the creation.
In our buying of things, we have often forgotten that happiness can not be bought and that hope is not for sale on store shelves. We confess that we have mixed up our priorities, losing sight of your kingdom’s values. Teach us the values of your kingdom’s advent – hope, peace, joy, and love.
As we stand on the cusp of Advent, we rejoice that your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ, came in lowliness and humility. We rejoice that he is coming again. We look forward to that day when every tear will be wiped from every eye, and sickness and sorrow, hunger and despair will be no more.
These things we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the hope of the world. Amen.