Homeless Jesus

Luke 9:57-58

57 As they were going along the road, someone said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” 58 And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.”

We have now caught up with where we started on Ash Wednesday. This is one of the first conversations Jesus has after setting his face towards Jerusalem. Someone wants to join Jesus, boldly saying that they are willing to follow Jesus anywhere.

First, it is very likely that the person saying they will go anywhere has not reflected on what it meant for Jesus to be set to go to Jerusalem.

Second, and I think more interesting, is Jesus’ statement that the Son of Man (that would be Jesus) and by extension the followers of the Son of Man (Jesus) do not have a home on this earth. That this world is a transitory reality for those who follow Jesus. The real home, the real citizenship, is the reign of God which is yet to be revealed. 

These kinds of comments have been criticized as giving grounds for denying care and compassion to people who face hardship and injustice in this world. But through church history that has not been the case as Christians offered hospitality and hospitals to the poor, the sick, the hurting – in-this-world care. In fact, with the vision of the reign of God firmly rooted in our minds, we are able to live in this world leaning towards the world to come. We are called to live our here-and-now, physical lives as though the reign of God has come.

Yes, living in this world as though it is not our home is dislocating. We feel like we are adrift, without security and stability – but Jesus’ coming reign is what gives us security and safety not the realities of the things of this world.    


Lord God, we confess that Jesus’ words that he had no place of belonging in this world, is dislocating and unsettling. Ground us in the truth that our real citizenship, our permanent and secure citizenship is in the kingdom of your Son, Jesus, in whose name we pray. Amen.

Peter Bush