Receive the Kingdom of God like a little child
Luke 18:15-17
15 People were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them; and when the disciples saw it, they sternly ordered them not to do it. 16 But Jesus called for them and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. 17 Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.”
Children had no status in the ancient world. Slaves were of higher status than were the children of those who owned the slaves. So it is not surprising that the disciples told the parents to leave Jesus alone, that he had more important things to do than to pay attention to babies and children. But when Jesus recognizes what is happening he tells the disciples that he wants them to let the children come to him, because Jesus welcomes the children. Jesus’ statement of care for children has changed the way our society views children. This moment has appeared in Christian art down through the ages, including in one of the stained glass windows at St. Andrew’s, Fergus.
Jesus not only welcomes the children, he makes the statement that the kingdom of God belongs to people who will receive the kingdom as a little child. This statement has led to all manner of discussion, what does it mean to receive the kingdom of God as children?
Children receive a gift as a gift, they don’t wonder about why they are receiving the gift, they simply rejoice in the gift. As adults we try to analyze: why the gift, what did we do to deserve the gift, what do we need to do because we have been given the gift? Children receive the gift as gift and rejoice in that fact. We are invited to do the same, to receive God’s grace as a gift given just because God wants to give us grace. Having received the gift, we rejoice in what we have been given with joy and great excitement.
We thank you, Lord God, for the blessings you offer to us and to all. We thank you that you welcomed children, blessing them. Teach us the humility of children that we might receive the gift of salvation as with joy, wonder, and thanksgiving. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.