Prayer for Dec. 22

The O Antiphons have been part of church practice since at least the 8th century, they are linked to the 7 days (Dec. 17-23) leading up to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. They are built around 7 of Jesus’ names and titles, and as prayers invite Jesus to come and live out his role in our lives and in the world. The ancient Advent carol “O come, O come, Emmanuel” uses these 7 names/titles of Jesus.  

O Desire of nations, humanity cries out for peace – for peace to come in Ukraine and Syria, in South Sudan and Myanmar, and in so many more places, for words of peace to be spoken between people who are in conflict with each, in schools and at work, in neighbours and in families. We desire peace to come to so that the walls of division by which human beings divide ourselves form one another would be torn down. Make us one by the work of your Son, Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.  

From “O come, O come, Emmanuel”

O come, Desire of nations, bind
In one the hearts of humankind;
Bid all our sad divisions cease,
And be Thyself our King of Peace.
Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel!

Peter Bush