Prayer for Dec. 21

The O Antiphons have been part of church practice since at least the 8th century, they are linked to the 7 days (Dec. 17-23) leading up to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. They are built around 7 of Jesus’ names and titles, and as prayers invite Jesus to come and live out his role in our lives and in the world. The ancient Advent carol “O come, O come, Emmanuel” uses these 7 names/titles of Jesus.  

O Bright Morning Star, shine into the dark of our world, shine with your light which no darkness can ever put out. Shine your light into the shadowlands of war and oppression, despair and fear, that we might see your peace and justice, hope and joy shining in your clear light. We pray, O Bright Star, that your light would overwhelm and fill even the dark places of our lives, bringing hope and comfort where sorrow and anxiety reign. We need no other light than you, shine, Jesus, shine. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

From “O come, O come, Emmanuel”

O come, O Bright and Morning Star,  

and bring us comfort from afar!

Dispel the shadows of the night

and turn our darkness into light.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel,

shall come to thee, O Israel.


Peter Bush