Prayer for Dec. 20
The O Antiphons have been part of church practice since at least the 8th century, they are linked to the 7 days (Dec. 17-23) leading up to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. They are built around 7 of Jesus’ names and titles, and as prayers invite Jesus to come and live out his role in our lives and in the world. The ancient Advent carol “O come, O come, Emmanuel” uses these 7 names/titles of Jesus.
O key of David, we confess before you that human beings have discovered many ways to make prisons, but Jesus has have come to set prisoners free. By his coming, free us from the chains of pride, addiction, fear, and despair. Break the chains, open the cell doors, so that we might be free to breath the air of hope, joy, peace. Open our eyes to see the freedom you bring, and give us the courage to go out into the world knowing that we have been set free from our captivity. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
From “O come, O come, Emmanuel”
O come, O Key of David, come
and open wide our heavenly home.
Make safe the way that leads on high,
And close the path to misery.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel,
shall come to thee, O Israel.